
Wednesday, March 6

Oh Lola! by Marc Jacobs: Perfume Review

Flower Power

Hello you lovely lot, this is a perfume review of the lovely Oh Lola! by Marc Jacobs. I had the original Lola by Marc Jacobs, but it ran out and so for Valentine's day my other half got me a bottle of this baby. I loved Lola as it's sweet floral scent made it such a versatile scent to wear at any time of day for any occasion. Oh Lola! Is much the same and is described as being a flirty facet of the original Lola, vibrant and playful, irresistable sophistication. Where do they get this stuff? Anyways, it smells great and is my current perfume of choice.

If you like flirty, playful, girly floral scents you should check it out! £37 for 30ml and £47 for 50ml from Boots. I originally got a 30ml bottle of Juicy Couture something or other, but i made the boy take it back and landed myself with a 50ml instead of Oh Lola! that i will actually use and that i love.

What do you think of this perfume?


  1. I love this purfume, infact i like it so much i have to pick myself up another bottle x

  2. It's great isn't it, so so nice, not sure which i prefer out of Lola and Oh Lola, both lovely xxxx
